Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Mortgage Assistance Boogie

Two weeks ago I talked to the folks at the Hope Hotline. (People keep pointing out articles about all the assistance that is out there for folks in imminent danger of foreclosure.) I didn't read the page carefully enough. It's a counseling service, and all they did was tell me what I already know: I cannot afford my mortgage payments. They gave me the scoop on foreclosure laws in Oregon and advised me to sell my home.

So I sent out the following cri du coeur:

I am sending this message to friends and acquaintances in an effort to cast as wide a net as possible. As most of you know, I was laid off last year. I have been receiving unemployment, renting out the studio that is attached to the house, working on call and using my savings to cover my mortgage. I am now tapped out. I am looking at the very real possibility of foreclosure.

This is, of course, a common story right now.

The next step in my unemployment saga: in a last-ditch effort to cover my mortgagepayments, we are planning to move into the studio and rent out the rest of the house. This means a major downsizing. I will be checking in with estate sale folks, but thought I'd let my friends and acquaintances know: lots of stuff is up for grabs. Antiques, tables, chairs, dishes, books, CDs, coffee tables, desks, chairs, rugs, TVs, shelving, linens, quilts (including a featherbed.) I will probably have a friends "pre-sale" open house in the next few weeks, but feel free to come by and look around, or ask me about specifics. If there is anything you have been coveting over the last 20 years, now's the time to ask!

Also, if you know of any possible tenants who don't mind living with the landlord next door, please send them my contact number. I would so much prefer someone with built-in references to the Craigslist thing. I'm thinking of a March 1 start date.

Now, as I was reaching out to my friends and acquaintances, I was still looking for government assistance. The place to go is apparently I have visited it at intervals since I was laid off in January 2011. The first time I applied for assistance, I was informed that, since I did a refinance in April 2009, I was not eligible. (The drop-dead date for a refi is January, 2009.) I looked at it again on Feb 6, after my cheery chat with the Hopeful folks. It has been an exercise in frustration from that moment forward.

Currently, they have a 2-week cycle for applying for assistance. I tried on Feb 8, and again yesterday. I've hovered, waiting for the noon start time to start my application. By 12:01, I've finished creating my account, I hit the submit button and BOOM! I get the window that says they are no longer accepting applications and I need to wait until the start of the next cycle. WTF?

I send a message to the help folks and they say, yeah, our funds get used up really quickly. Really? in 1 minute? Can anyone else type faster than me? Then they tell me to contact the HUD people. I do, but they don't get back to me.

I do still have unemployment, until July. That brings in about $2K a month. The airbnb brought in close to $21K last year, which is an average of $1,700 a month. It has gone down in recent months, however. Those two things cover mortgage. Then there is $600 for health insurance and about $2K for living expenses (utilities, food, phone, insurance, miscellaneous.) So I've covered that with the 401K, which is now kaput. I don't know what I'll do about taxes on all that. I'm only earning around $500 a month with the oncall work, and some of that reduces the UI benefit.

So, it's pretty bleak. Basically, my expenses need to be cut drastically. The utilities are a big chunk, and I have tried without success to reduce them. If I cut my expenses to $1K and get a job with benefits, I will still need rental income of at least $1200 a month.

Since I sent out my cri de désespoir, I have received gifts of money from friends and family, and that is going to pay off the medical debts and cover mortgage for about 2 months, as well as let me finish the shed for habitation.  Friends also found a charming family to rent the upstairs, and today the workmen are busily sawing and hammering. We have begun winnowing our belongings, pending an estate sale in the near future. If necessary, I'll be in good shape to sell the house. It's not my first choice, but it's not the end of the world.  And I am puddly with tears of gratitude for the friends and family who send up prayers, send me assistance and ideas, and generally let me know that, in their eyes, I matter.

What more could I want?

For those with strong nerves, I hereby present....The Mortgage Assistance Boogie:
Feb 6, 2012, from me to
Hi, I've been going through the website, and it appears that there are no funds for Multnomah County residents. Can you advise me as to the best way to apply for federal dollars to help me avoid foreclosure. I have been unemployed for a year now, and my income is insufficient to cover my expenses.

I hear a lot about programs of assistance, but I can't seem to find a way to apply for them.
yours in desperation

Feb 6, 2012, from to me
Thank you for contacting our office. Multnomah still has assistance however the cycle’s available slots are filled. The next cycle is scheduled to open on Wednesday February 8th at noon. Please know that cycles will be opening every two weeks until funds are gone.

Feb 8, 2012, from me to
I am trying to apply, and I keep getting a message that my county is not accepting applications. Did I get the date/time wrong?

Feb 8, 2012, from
At this time, there are only limited opportunities for the MPA-U Program in your county. Due to the great demand in your area, available slots in your county were filled extremely quickly. Our program is working to increase the number of slots that become available in your county. We expect more than 300 statewide slots to be available per cycle in future months.

You will be able to attempt an application again on Wednesday February 22nd at noon. If you are in danger of foreclosure, contact a HUD Certified Counseling Agency in your area for help.

Make sure you have reviewed our FAQ page and our Application Video to learn more about the program. If you still have questions about the MPA-U Application process, write us back and we will address them as soon as possible.

Feb 8, 2012, from me to homeownerhelp
This is very frustrating. You and the web site both said the cycle began at noon today, and I logged in at 11:57 am and started applying. How was it possible for all the slots to be filled by the time I finished typing?
Should I have started at midnight? What can I do on 2/22 to catch that fleeting window of opportunity?
I am in imminent danger of losing my home of 20 years, and it rubs salt in the wound when people tell me there are programs to help me and then slam the door in my face and say, "just kidding."
I have searched the various websites and asked for assistance, and all it does is make me vulnerable to salesmen and scammers. I have worked since I was 14 and been a careful and responsible budgeter. And I find myself being treated like a lowlife and shuffled through insulting processes. I know you cannot help this, and I appreciate the prompt responses to my cries in the dark, but is there any way these systems can be less frustrating and soul-destroying? Is there anyone I can talk to?
Feb 8, 2012, from
We understand this is frustrating and we are working to increase slots available for your county. There is great demand not only in your county, but the state of Oregon. At this time there is no way of guaranteeing that you receive a spot as this process must be fair for all homeowners that need the assistance due to their unemployment hardship.

I would highly recommend contacting a HUD Certified Counselor as these are non-profits and approved by the Federal Government. Also you are welcome to contact our customer service phone number at 503-986-2025.

Feb 8, 2012 From me to HUD (no reply received)
I have been referred to this address by the OHSI contacts. I have been trying, in vain, to apply for Mortgage Assistance and for Mortgage reduction. I was told that the cycle for the former would open at noon today, and I was ready and applying at that time, only to be told by the website that the cycle had been closed. I must now wait until 2/22 for the start of the the next cycle, and there is no guarantee, or even hope, that the same thing won't happen.

Is there someone who can offer me concrete assistance? I keep hearing that aid is available for people in my situation, and that no one is applying for the aid and it is going begging for people who need it.

Well, I need it. I was laid off a year ago. Unemployment is providing less than half of my monthly expenses. I have only been able to find temporary jobs, despite my 27 years of continuous high-level employment and many skills. I have used up all my savings. I am paying $600 a month for minimal health insurance. I refinanced in April 2009, so I am not eligible for some of the assistance programs. Being unemployed, no one will consider another refinance. While the mortgage is my only debt, I cannot afford it, and am in the position of having to sell my home of 18 years or go into foreclosure.

Please. I know this is a common story, but I am not a statistic. I do not know where to turn or what to do. Can someone help, or am I just sending this despair into the ether?

Feb 22, 2012 From homeownerhelp to me, in response to a message to their site
Thank you for contacting our office. I am sorry about your situation and I am sure the funds are needed. We did open the cycle starting at 12pm today. These slots were taken in less than a minute today and that is why you received that message. At this time, there are only limited opportunities for the MPA-U Program in your county. Due to the great demand in your area, available slots in your county were filled extremely quickly. Our program is working to increase the number of slots that become available in your county. We expect more than 300 statewide slots to be available per cycle in future months.

You will be able to attempt an application again at the beginning of a new application cycle when one begins. If you are in danger of foreclosure, contact a HUD Certified Counseling Agency in your area for help.

Make sure you have reviewed our FAQ page and our Application Video to learn more about the program. If you still have questions about the MPA-U Application process, write us back and we will address them as soon as possible.

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