Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Trees in early spring

Sunday was gorgeous, sunny and warm.  And, coincidentally, it was the day of the SE Artwalk.  So, we decided to go for an afternoon walk and look at art.  It's a little problematic.  While I didn't see much to tempt me into a purchase, I did see a lot to inspire me in my recycled craft proclivities.  However, I'm in the process of downsizing, so I shouldn't add to my possessions.  In fact, D took my bottle tops and wine corks to SCRAP just the other day.

H and S had a similar problem.  S found the PERFECT gift for L, but she is traveling around and living out of her car.  Even a journal made out of a cool ship/map book would take up too much space.  We did our best to convince S that L would want another journal for her trip, but to no avail.  S understands that true friendship means being thoughtful about not leading one into temptation.

So instead we focused on my second Chinuk lesson.  Turns out that the word for tree is essentially Big Stick.  And we saw a lot of those, glowing in the light of the spring afternoon sun.

Actually, those first two pix were taken at David Hill Winery a few weeks ago.  But the principle is the same.

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