Sunday, September 9, 2018

Misadventures in July: letter to a friend

As the curse goes, “may you live in interesting times...
I had a rather bizarre weekend.  On Friday I discovered that Forrest (my new/used 2013 Subaru Forester) wouldn't start.  A GR maintenance dude came by and discovered that pack rats had eaten some wires.  The poison I had put in the engine was gone, so apparently they ate it up and then returned for the wires.  On Sat I had a AAA tow into Hernandez (just north of Espanola) for Lio to fix the wires over the weekend.  My friend B from GR picked me up there and drove us to Santa Fe, where we attended the Intl Folk Art Festival and I spent $1400 on 2 old saris, an embroidered handbag, and a tunic.  The tunic was the big ticket item, at $1250.  It was an impulse buy:  the artist tossed it over my head and said "it's YOU!" and I said, yes, I think I need to take it, and then he took it to the people writing the receipts and told them the price and my jaw dropped but I just couldn't say, oops, my bad, not taking it after all.  I talked myself into the fact that it's a one of a kind, that I'm supporting indigenous craftsmen, and that he's an up and coming STAR!
Then I met some more GR people at Harry's Roadhouse for dinner, and my boss drove me to Tijeras.  I slept through Sunday and P dropped me at the ABQ rapid ride stop near Four Corners.  I bused down to the RailRunner, arriving at 7:22.  The train had left at 7:19and the next wasn't until 9:35.  So, I texted M, and she met me at a sweet hippie coffeeshop near by:  Zendo

Combining friendship
And the elixir of life.
Would not want to choose!

 I caught the RR at 9:20, and arrived in Santa Fe at 11ish, where I discovered that the Blue bus was leaving at 1:45, arriving in Espanola at 2:50, and then I'd have to wait until 5:55 to catch a bus north.  Lio's was probably going to be closed by then.  So I called a taxi:  $88.  No.  Then I called an Uber.  $1 a mile, so I paid $28.  I arrived to discover that they had another hour to go, and there were more wires damaged.  So, I sat and listened to books and texted folks at the Ranch about my late arrival and then Lio told me that they had fixed all the broken wires they could find, but the computer was not talking to the engine.  
Why would a manual transmission not have a manual starter, I ask you?!
Long story short, one of the gents at GR came and got me (an hour drive).  I'm home, and Forrest is still in Hernandez.  Sigh.  But it looks like my insurance will cover it all, so life is not bad.

Meanwhile, I’m enjoying life here.  Got to play with micaceous clay last week and made a mug, a bowl, a pear-shaped rattle, and several beads.

I also am playing duets with one of the wranglers, and I recited Jabberwocky at the coffeehouse (a weekly event run by the college staff) to resounding huzzahs!  This week, in honor of Forrest, I plan to sing “The Mouse” from Britten’s “Rejoice in the Lamb.”  

It’s monsoon season.  

After the rainstorm
The birds discover puddles,
Which make a great bath.
I leave work and walk
Into a magical hour
Of cloudlit delight.

And that’s my news!

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